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eVantage Technology - Latest Stories

Dec 12, 20195 min read
Is Your Company VoIP-Ready? Aye aye, Captain!
VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, has been helping businesses communicate more effectively for a few years now. Let’s be real. VoIP...

Dec 5, 20196 min read
Business VoIP: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
So you’ve heard a lot of things about VoIP over the years. But what exactly is it? Well, let’s start with the definition. VoIP (Voice...

Nov 28, 20196 min read
The Rise of the Machines
Let me ask you this: Have you used the Internet before? Yes I know, that’s a stupid question. The obvious answer is YES! (If not, where...

Nov 21, 20193 min read
5 Things to Look Out for in a Local MSP
Let me just put this out there. Whether you are an overseas company who decided to set up a branch office in Singapore but still utilize...

Nov 14, 20194 min read
The Puppet and its Puppeteer: “Helpful” Smart Devices turn Sinister
In the world of technology, digitalization is becoming more prominent. It is thus very common to see smart devices installed in people’s...

Therese Park
Nov 7, 20195 min read
Your Smart Speaker could become an Acoustic Weapon
Look around your home – how many smart speakers do you have scattered around? For many of us, smart speakers have become an integral part...

Therese Park
Oct 31, 20196 min read
The Supermarket of IT Vendors: How to Choose the “Right” One
Going to the supermarket to get an apple is an easy task. You zoom straight in to the fruits section, pick up and apple, put it in a...

Therese Park
Oct 17, 20195 min read
Recipe to Becoming the Boss of Your Passwords
Do you own your Passwords, or do your Passwords OWN YOU? Let me put this out there – there are 2 kinds of people in this world. Those...

Therese Park
Oct 10, 20197 min read
Mirror Mirror on the Wall, who is the Least Protected of them All?
There was a time where blackberry and apple were just fruits in a supermarket. It’s true. The Internet has blurred the lines between the...

Oct 3, 20195 min read
There’s no “I” in (Microsoft) Teams
Have you ever felt that feeling where you wake up one morning and think “oh my, where did all that time go?” No? Ok, then how about in...

Sep 26, 20197 min read
7 Ways to Tame your Email Pile
An empty inbox is always a rare moment and accomplishment in life. I mean, honestly, how many of you always make it a point to open all...

Therese Park
Sep 19, 20195 min read
Preventing SPAM – the Silly Pointless Annoying Mail
SPAM = Silly Pointless Annoying Mail Let’s face it. Most of us can’t last more than 6 minutes without a quick glance at our email or...

Sep 12, 20195 min read
CC and BCC are Not Your Friends!
If you are working, then you will most likely be sending and receiving emails all day long. But do you really understand the extra...

Sep 5, 20196 min read
How to Write an Effective Out-Of-Office Message
“Partying hard in the Caribbean. Will be back on Thursday. If you receive any weird texts that make you question my sanity, remember,...

Therese Park
Aug 29, 20194 min read
The Relentless Chore of Testing your Backup
I am relentless. I’m always pounding people to back up. And I will continue to do so! Because, if you care about it, then back it up!...

Therese Park
Aug 22, 20196 min read
Technology in a Potluck State – BYOD
How many of you have attended a potluck before? Well, I’m sure many of you reading this have indeed been to one before, where you are...

Therese Park
Aug 15, 20196 min read
All about the Vulnerability Scan
Vulnerabilities are a part of life. You have them, I have them, his dog has them, her cat has them. Basically, everyone has them. Even...

Aug 8, 20195 min read
Pen Test: The Why, The When and The How
Imagine it is midnight, and you already got under the covers and switched off the lights, when suddenly, you thought to yourself “Did I...

Therese Park
Aug 1, 20195 min read
Do I really need an Antivirus?
It was November 2, 1988. The time was approximately 8 p.m. No one predicted that within hours, around 10% of all machines connected to...

Jul 25, 20193 min read
13 Ransomware Statistics all Businesses MUST Know
What is Ransomware? Let’s get this straight. Ransomware is NOT Malware, and it is NOT Ransom. Instead, Ransomware is a type of malicious...

Jul 18, 20195 min read
Why should I update to Windows 10?
Most people don’t like change. They revolt against it unless they can clearly see the advantages it brings. It’s like if my parents...

Jul 11, 20193 min read
The Great (fire)Wall of China
Traveling to China soon? Then you might want to read this article to know how to work around The Great Firewall of China. If you’re...

Jul 4, 20194 min read
10 Cyber Security Tips for Frequent Travellers
If you travel for work, you are a target. Let me say that again. If you travel for business, YOU. ARE. A. TARGET. And it’s not just...

Jun 27, 20195 min read
What to do if your company laptop gets stolen
Imagine this: You are in San Francisco for a work trip when you realized the conference you have to attend is a 3-hour drive away. Armed...
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