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Therese Park

The Importance of Enterprise File Sharing Solutions for the Continuity of your Business

The COVID-19 virus (or coronavirus) is having an impact on businesses around the globe. Many companies have shut down workplaces, while others are implementing flexible working arrangements. Amid this fast-changing environment, IT leaders are pressed to balance productivity with the protection of their employees and partners.

A key part of business continuity is maintaining access to critical business content and collaboration processes, even when internet access may be limited or non-existent. With that in mind, here are a few resources from our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution that can help enable continuity in times of business disruption:

Remote working

For employees working remotely, our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution’s cloud-native content collaboration platform can provide secure access to their work through a simple, familiar experience, via web interface and/or drive-letter access options. With its hybrid capability, our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution can even sync seamlessly with on-prem file infrastructure, without having to set up or use a VPN.

Mobile access

When users aren’t near their work computers, they can still access and engage with content using our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution’s mobile app.

Offline access

Internet outages are common during emergencies, and when operating in remote, make-shift settings. Our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution can ensure personnel maintains access to files, even when this occurs. You simply configure a local appliance, which caches data at the edge, and local users won’t lose connectivity to their documents on our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution platform. Once Internet access resumes, files are automatically synced back to the cloud.

Co-editing and collaboration in real-time

Our Enterprise File Sync & Sharing solution’s recent Microsoft Office integration also allows users to co-edit on Microsoft documents in real-time from the Office Desktop apps. Co-editing is available for desktop and mobile, as well as online via your browser, allowing workers to harness the full features of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint where and when they need it, and allow for a more streamlined collaboration. You no longer need to wait for someone to finish their edits because all users’ edits automatically save in the platform itself. Great, isn’t it?

In addition, when using the desktop app, there’s no need to download or upload content, and you can use the full functionality of the Microsoft Desktop Productivity suite. You can even co-edit large files and XLSm files.

Want to get an Enterprise File Sharing solution for your business today? Get started with a Free Trial Today! Or click the green button below to contact us now!


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